Interview: Ed Martin, KNST (JUL 06, 2024)
Voters Choice File – Kathleen Winn by Ed Martin’s Basic Training A frank discussion with GOP Candidate for Congress in Arizona’s CD 6 Read on Substack
ENDORSEMENT: Moms for America Action
MOMS FOR AMERICA ENDORSES KATHLEEN WINN Tucson, Arizona – Today, Kathleen Winn, successful business woman, former television and radio talk show host, former Community Outreach Director for the Arizona Attorney General’s Office, and Executive Director of the anti-human trafficking group “Project 25,” announced that “Moms for America” has endorsed her candidacy for Congress! Kathleen shared… Continue reading ENDORSEMENT: Moms for America Action
CD6 Republican challenger Winn makes pitch to primary voters
Republican congressional candidate Kathleen Winn, who hopes to unseat U.S. Rep. Juan Ciscomani in the July 30 GOP primary, made her case to voters in a forum Wednesday night. Winn, who is making her second run against Ciscomani in Southern Arizona’s CD6, said she was a conservative alternative to the Republican representative. In 2022, she… Continue reading CD6 Republican challenger Winn makes pitch to primary voters
EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn Discusses RINO Opponent Juan Ciscomani’s Vote for 1.2 Trillion Spending Package
Republican U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (AZ-06) recently spoke to The Gateway Pundit about her primary race against GOP Rep. Juan Ciscomani following his controversial vote in favor of the $1.2 trillion spending bill. Instead of voting against the bill, which empowers Biden’s border invasion, the Representative of southern border towns in Arizona allocated taxpayer… Continue reading EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn Discusses RINO Opponent Juan Ciscomani’s Vote for 1.2 Trillion Spending Package
US Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (R-AZ): Every State is a Border State — The Reality of the Southern Border Invasion
OP-ED by GOP US Congressional candidate Kathleen Winn (AZ-06): Super Tuesday proved that the Biden border invasion is a top priority for most Americans. We know we deserve representatives who will fight to secure America and defend our nation from the devastation caused by a planned and coordinated attack against the citizens of the United States of America. Southern states, like… Continue reading US Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (R-AZ): Every State is a Border State — The Reality of the Southern Border Invasion