EXCLUSIVE: U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn Discusses RINO Opponent Juan Ciscomani’s Vote for 1.2 Trillion Spending Package

Republican U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn (AZ-06) recently spoke to The Gateway Pundit about her primary race against GOP Rep. Juan Ciscomani following his controversial vote in favor of the $1.2 trillion spending bill.

Instead of voting against the bill, which empowers Biden’s border invasion, the Representative of southern border towns in Arizona allocated taxpayer dollars to fund full-term abortion services and transgender youth services, including sex-change surgeries for kids.

Ciscomani’s district, which includes Arizona’s second-largest city, Tucson, sits just northeast of Sasabe, Arizona, which is reportedly the number-one hotspot for illegal border crossings into the United States. CONTINUE READING >>>